
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

22 Weeks

How Far Along: 22 weeks (although I'm posting super late... again. I gotta get back on schedule!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not keeping track weekly, so I'll find out when I have my next appointment on the 20th.

How big is baby: From head to rump baby is the size of a  spaghetti squash (BabyCenter) and weighs a pound!

Stretch Marks: Still none! Hoping it stays that way :)

Maternity Clothes: Yes, definitely pants, and most shirts are either maternity or a size larger than I normally wear. I'm still struggling to find clothes that make me feel cute and not like I had too much to eat.

Sleep: I've started dreading going to sleep in some ways. My hips hurt SO bad when I'm rolling over at night to switch sides, and they hurt all day long until about 2pm, when they start to feel somewhat normal again. Hopefully I can figure something out to help keep me a little more comfy, but I'm guessing that I'm just going to have to come to accept that it is what it is.

Gender: Little Man!

Movement: Oh, he's moving around SO much! And it is definite baby movement, too. I wake up each morning and watch my belly dance around because he's kicking away. Hubster even got to feel him kick!

Food Cravings/Aversions: Mexican food, sweets (red licorice), and fruit. Oh, and carbs :)

Belly Button: Not really much change from last week, but it's still shallow and weird looking. I wonder if it'll pop?

Symptoms: Sore hips and tailbone still, and the ever expanding waistline. Oh, and the boobs are getting bigger, too. I have cleavage!

What I miss: Waking up without hurting, looking cute in my clothes, not being short of breath after walking a little bit.

Looking forward to: SO many things. We have to get going on this kids room soon, though! I keep bringing it up, but we have been so busy on the weekends that we usually have trouble getting to the laundry and general cleaning. I'm going to have to schedule it in I guess!

My favorite husband quote/moment of the week:  I swear, The Hubster says and does so many thoughtful things throughout the week that I want to remember and note here, but when I sit down to fill out the weekly survey my mind goes completely blank. But what I do remember is how sweet he's been, how helpful and loving he's been. Whether it's doing the dishes so I don't have to, or rubbing my swollen feet, he's just been awesome. Love you, babe!

Weekly Belly Pics:



  1. Sorry your in pain an not sleeping well. :(
    This is what I got to help with that: It's the soogle. When I first got pregnant I was like WHO THE HECK WOULD SPEND 50 BUCKS ON A PILLOW?? Your now at the point I was unable to sleep and in pain. I spent The at the time I think 60 bucks on it and I would pay $100.00. I like it because you can zip it up (at least the one I got) after baby is born and put them in it similar to a bopi. You can also wrap it around you for nursing. It is soft. And it is amazing. I still us it with my back problems some times. It cushions your neck, goes between your legs to make them more level, and supports your back all at the same time. The one draw back was in the heat of summer it was a little toasty. But all in all it was the only way I got sleep!

  2. Thank you! I've heard great things about that pillow, so I will definitely have to check it out. I'm at the point that $50 would be worth it to feel more rested and not as sore in the mornings.
